Siena, in the heart of Tuscany surrounded by hills, vineyards and olive groves, is one of Italy’s most beautiful medieval cities. Siena, according to legend, was founded by Senio, the son of Remus. At the heart of Siena lies Piazza del Campo, which is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, is the nerve center of the city and was of extreme importance even in Roman times. It is here that the famous Palio takes place, a famous equestrian competition held every year between July and August. This tradition has its roots in the 1600s, captivating both locals and visitors alike with its excitement.
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Tales of Romulus and Remus at Piazza del Campo
According to legend, the city was founded by Remo’s son Senio, which explains the presence of several statues of Romulus and Remus with the she-wolf. Piazza del Campo has a distinctive shell shape with its typical color of “terra di Siena,” known worldwide, is a sight for the eyes. The imposing Palazzo Pubblico, along with the Torre del Mangia, commands attention, especially due to the gentle slope of the square. We recommend pausing here for a refreshing drink to fully appreciate the picturesque surroundings.
The Torre del Mangia, standing at an impressive height of 88 meters, is one of Italy’s tallest towers. Interestingly, it has always served a civic rather than religious function. The tower’s name derives from Giovanni di Duccio, the first custodian of the bell tower, known for his love of dining in Sienese taverns. Due to his reputation as a passionate eater, he was affectionately called the ‘Mangiaguadagni,’ and the tower adopted this nickname.
Siena, Where Legends Meet Magnificent Architecture
As you gaze upwards, be sure to admire the Fonte Gaia, a reproduction crafted by Jacopo della Quercia. Continuing your upward gaze, observe the coats of arms adorning Siena’s Palazzo Pubblico. Among them, you’ll discover the emblem of the Medici family, the Monogram of Christ, and the symbol of the Roman She-wolf, in honor of Romulus’ grandchildren.
Step inside the Palazzo Pubblico to admire three renowned masterpieces housed within the Museo Civico, one of Italy’s most esteemed museums. Among them are Simone Martini’s Majesty and Guidoriccio da Fogliano, along with Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Good and Bad Government. Notably, this marks the first instance in art history where a pictorial cycle primarily focuses on civil rather than religious themes.
The Hall of Nine with the Allegory of Good and Bad Government, stands as the Palazzo Pubblico’s most famous room. Named for the form of government composed of nine members of the Council of the Republic of Siena, this governing body played a pivotal role in leading the city to its golden age.

Siena's Cathedral A Journey Through Time
The grand and imposing Siena Cathedral stands as one of Italy’s most significant examples of medieval architecture, blending elements of Gothic design with notable Romanesque influences. You will be amazed by the decoration of the facade, characterized by three expansive portals crowned with triangular spires and a striking central rose window. The lower section, displaying Romanesque features with hints of Gothic influence, is credited to the masterful craftsmanship of Giovanni Pisano, while the upper section boasts a flourish of Gothic detailing, attributed to Giovanni di Cecco.
Among the local specialties don’t miss crostini with wild boar and hare, the famous pappardelle with hare sauce, pici and ribollita. Tuscany is the land of good wine, Whether paired with cantucci biscuits and ricciarelli cookies and the sweet Vin Santo, or enjoyed alongside a glass of fine Tuscan red such as Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino, or Montepulciano, there’s a perfect accompaniment for every palate.
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